The anxiety that adolescents suffer from the lack of access to screens (such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc.) is often referred to as “nomophobia“. This term comes from “no-mobile-phone phobia” and describes the excessive fear or anxiety that a person feels about being without their mobile device or not being able to use it.

Nomophobia can manifest itself in symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, restlessness and a constant worry about being disconnected. This phenomenon is especially prevalent among adolescents, who often rely on their devices for social communication, entertainment and access to information.

Did you know that 43% of 15-year-olds feel anxious if they don’t have a screen nearby? According to an OECD report, this negatively affects their academic performance and emotional well-being.

Some key points:

  • Many students do not even silence their notifications to sleep.
  • Excessive use of devices in class can be distracting and reduce concentration.

But this is not about demonising technology! Its moderate and focused use can improve grades and educational inclusion, it is a tool that, when used well, has many benefits. The key is to use it in a controlled way in terms of both time and content.


  • Turn off notifications during classes and before bedtime.
  • Limiting recreational screen time
  • Create device-free zones (e.g. during family meals).
  • Supervise the content and time spent on screens by the children in your care.

It is vital that we educate about the responsible use of technology for the well-being of our adolescents.


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