In general, we could say that personality traits are persistent patterns in the way we see the world and relate to it.
Each individual presents their own personality traits that make them unique.
When these personality traits are inflexible, persistent and cause discomfort or functional deterioration (occupational, social…), it is when we speak of a personality disorder.
Classically, they have been distributed into three large groups:

Grupo A:
Los trastornos de personalidad paranoide, esquizoide y esquizotípico. Estas personas suelen describirse como «raros» o excéntricos
Grupo B:
Trastorno de la personalidad límite, histriónico, narcisista y antisocial. Se caracterizan por ser exageradamente dramáticos, emocionales o bien erráticos
Grupo C:
Los trastornos de la personalidad dependiente, obsesivo-compulsivo y evasivo. Suelen ser vistos como personas ansiosas o temerosas
Personality disorders make up a large group, and delving into each of them is beyond the purpose of this page.
However, they are relatively frequent and cause great discomfort and problems in society.
With an adequate psychotherapeutic approach, these people can greatly improve their quality of life.