Today, September 10th, is World Suicide Prevention Day.

It is estimated that about 10 suicides occur in Spain every day.

Do you know the warning signs?

Here they are in a chart from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

You should be on alert if the person:

TALKS about experiencing unbearable pain, feeling like a burden to others, not finding reasons to live, or directly mentions not wanting to live anymore.

BEHAVES recklessly, aggressively, increases alcohol or drug consumption, socially isolates themselves, stops doing activities they used to enjoy, visits friends or family members to say goodbye, gives away valuable possessions, sleeps too much or too little, or directly shows an interest in seeking methods to end their life (online searches, etc.).

Their MOOD is altered: they may be depressed, showing a lack of interest in things or people they used to care about, or they may appear irritable…

If someone in your circle shows these signs, what you should do is:

  • Empathize with and listen to the person in question.
  • Ask them directly about suicide. Yes, you read that correctly: you should ask openly.
  • Remove any potential dangers from the environment (pills, knives…).
  • Seek help from a mental health professional.

To remember all this, Americans use the acronym LEARN:
LOOK for warning signs
EMPATHIZE and listen
ASK about suicide
REMOVE the danger
NEXT level of care

Please SHARE these ideas to help us with greater prevention because suicide is the LEADING cause of UNNATURAL death in Spain.


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