Interesting article extracted from the Spanish Society of Legal Psychiatry:

Although experts recommend that children should not be left alone at home before the age of nine or ten, Spanish law does not establish a specific minimum age for parents to legally leave their minor children unsupervised.

The Civil Code refers to the “situation of abandonment”, which occurs when the duties of protection towards minors are not fulfilled, depriving them of the necessary moral or material assistance.

On the other hand, article 229 of the Penal Code punishes the abandonment of a minor, especially if their life or health is endangered.

A report on Accidents in the Spanish child population reveals that 9.1% of children under 12 years old are left alone at home.

Surprisingly, 5% of them are under four years old. These children, known as “the children of the key”, have access to their home via a key and often face situations of loneliness due to economic and work factors.

In summary, although there is no fixed age set by law, it is suggested that parents consider the maturity and autonomy of their children when making decisions about leaving them home alone.


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