ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is estimated to affect 5-7% of children and 2.5-4% of adults, with an even higher percentage among adults who use substances.

Despite having quite effective treatment options, it often goes undiagnosed, leading to a higher risk of developing learning problems, behavioral disorders, anxiety and depression disorders, as well as substance use or abuse, academic failure, traffic accidents, issues in peer relationships, and more.

More than 50% of childhood ADHD cases will experience ADHD-related issues in adulthood. However, a high percentage of adults do not receive the proper attention.

The manifestations of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults are not exactly the same and vary throughout different stages of life. Many undiagnosed adults seek help for other problems associated with ADHD, such as those mentioned earlier (substance use, anxiety, depression, accidents), and only a few of them receive the proper diagnosis and treatment. It is the duty of the physician to conduct a comprehensive examination to seize each of these opportunities and ultimately make the correct diagnosis.

Mismanagement of ADHD in adulthood can lead to the excessive use of psychotropic drugs not indicated for ADHD and can perpetuate the symptoms. Hence, the correct identification of undiagnosed cases and the continuity of treatment for those diagnosed before adulthood are crucial.

As an expert in adult ADHD and child and adolescent psychopharmacology, I can design a personalized and specific treatment plan for your case as well as the appropriate treatment.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I’ll be delighted to assist you in person or via video call.Click here to book an appointment or get in touch with me.


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